Celebrating Nancy! "She has transformed office management’s relationship with employees."

Describe your role at Bellwether.
I view my role as threefold. Starting with ensuring that our staff have a well-cared for space to work and the tools needed to complete their important tasks. The next role is to be consistently available to our residents as a center to respond to questions or requests for assistance in unforeseen situations. The third role includes providing accurate information and giving help navigating the rental process to perspective residents.
What do you find most meaningful about your work?
Often the smallest heartfelt offer of assistance can help change the lives of others. I find that my days are filled with these opportunities.
Tell us about a woman that you admire or are inspired by (past or present).
I would like to tell you about my friend SanNi. She went back to school and got her law degree when she was 30. She is now 40, a labor attorney, and recently opened her own law firm. SanNi is a mother of three children, litigators all. Several nonprofits find her organizing for them. It is so easy to admire her endless skills and to be her friend. Her life is messy, she is fearless most of the time, and helping others is what she does.
Quote from a colleague:
“Since joining us in 2019, Nancy has transformed office management’s relationship with employees. She works diligently in service to them and our residents. She is highly autonomous in her role and leads by example.”