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Resident Services

Our Resident Services Program is a team of devoted staff members who work with residents to find the resources and services they need to thrive. The Resident Services program is free and confidential for all Bellwether Housing residents. We are here to help.


Our apartments are a strong foundation for our residents to grow, stabilize, rebuild, and thrive, and often residents need additional benefits and services to be stable, healthy, and thriving. By coupling housing with services, residents have stable homes and additional support in solving problems and achieving their goals. 


Our program secured $3.65 million in rent relief for residents who lost income due to COVID-19. We delivered over 10,000 meals to residents with barriers to access healthy food during the pandemic. We hired three women-owned catering businesses that had lost business during the pandemic to work on these efforts. 

Contact Us

Our Resident Services Coordinators are friendly, supportive people that can help you navigate challenges and build community. 

Send an email

We continue to focus on COVID relief and recovery for residents, particularly through our Work Force Initiative (WF). The WF Initiative assists residents getting back into the work force by helping with resume writing, interview prep, and finding job training programs. We have partnered with Seattle Public Libraries, who are providing resources for self-employment and starting small businesses. And, we are working with local community colleges and training centers for residents who wanted to pursue career trainings and certificates.

Other recovery initiatives include finding continued rental assistance as tenant protections are phased out, providing summer educational opportunities for youth in collaboration with Seattle Public Schools and working with a range of service providers to ensure marginally housed and homeless households can access housing and be successful after moving in. 

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Service We Provide

Answer Medicare, Medicaid, and
Social Security questions

Get DSHS services

Find childcare

Get renter’s insurance

Access low-cost, healthy food or meal delivery

Sign up for low-cost transportation

Sign up for unemployment and

disability benefits

Get low-cost internet

Get a free or low-cost cell phone

Find English as a Second Language Classes

Sign up for rental assistance

Assist with financial planning

Find low cost health care

Access mental health services

Find addiction-treatment services

Help you find to legal services

Advocate on your behalf

Connect you to community resources

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