Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Our Commitment to Anti-Racism
As an affordable housing organization, we recognize the significant role that our country’s housing system has played in upholding the power of white supremacy that this country was founded on. This has resulted in discriminatory practices and a wealth gap that advantages white people and disadvantages Black people and other people of color. We live in a city with a history of housing segregation, redlining, and systematically denying people of color access to safe and affordable homes. We cannot create stable communities through affordable housing without addressing racial justice. Housing justice is racial justice.
Bellwether Housing continues to aspire to do the challenging work of putting forth anti-racist education and action within our organization and in our wider community. We are committed to becoming an anti-racist organization and continuing to do the work to dismantle the systemic and institutionalized racism that our country was built on. Our anti-racism work is led by a 13-person Equity Committee made up of staff from across our organization.
As part of our anti-racism work, we are publishing demographic data about the racial and gender makeup of our board, leadership team, staff, and residents. Our goal is to be transparent about racial and gender parities and disparities at our organization. We believe it is important that our staff, leadership, and board reflect our residents and our greater community. We include King County demographics data to show how our organization compares to our geographic area. This information is updated annually. ​​
2021 Racial Diversity at Bellwether Housing
Group | Black | Asian | Hispanic | Native American | White | Multiracial | Other | Not Disclosed | Pacific Islander / Native Hawaiian |
2021 Gender Diversity at Bellwether Housing
Group | Women | Men | Nonbinary |
About the Data
Bellwether Groups
Board of Directors data is self-reported by board members as of Sept 2021.
Leadership Team data is self-reported and updated as of Sept 2021
People Leaders includes our Leadership team, as well as staff in management positions. It is self-reported by staff and current as of Sept 2021.
Bellwether staff includes all staff, including People Leaders. Self reported by staff and current as of Sept 2021.
Bellwether resident data is from our 2019 Annual Resident Survey.​
King County Data Sources
King County 2019 data is from a 2019 Census Estimate from Census.Gov. The most recent full census data is from 2010, available at KingCounty.gov​
Data Notes
All percentages have been rounded to the nearest 1%.
Totals may add up to more than 100% to reflect when multiple categories were selected.
N/A = not asked by that data source / survey.